Sunday, April 13, 2008

Circuit Cellar Magazine April 2008

Offers hands-on applications and solutions for embedded-control designers.

So who is likely to enjoy this magazine? Serious electronics hobbyists, for sure, garage robot-builders and gadgeteers, engineering

students at any level (grade school to grad school), and the people who teach those students - or at least try to keep up. It's probably

good for consultants who do electronic prototypes and one-offs, where fast turnaround and proof of principle matters more than volume

production or FAA certification. And I bet it's good for any hardware engineer who wants to know more about software, or vice versa. It's

for anyone who thinks embedded system development is just plain fun, if you do it right.

Who's not going to read this? Well, it's not a trade rag, so there's nothing about industrial deals and dealmakers. It's not an academic

journal, and math is at the upper-high school level, at most. It's not for the hardened pro, except maybe as a way to unwind from a day of

serious engineering or research.



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